Monday, June 28, 2010


A little unknown fact:
I love to break bones. I do it for fun.

Ok, I'm just kidding. As much as I've done it in my life though, you'd think that I do actually do it for fun. :(

Long story short, I fell at cheekwood and broke my ankle.
I kept a positive attitude all weekend and reassured everyone that it was just a severe sprain. I even joked about it, and still am. Afterall, I am a total clutz. It's ok.

I did go to the dr this morning though since I still couldn't walk or move my foot much. The verdict was a broken ankle. I kept my composure until the doctor said she was sending me to an orthopedic surgeon to make sure I don't need surgery.

I cried a little, but not as much as I did in front of strangers and Herbie's parents at cheekwood.


Keep me in your thoughts and wish me luck. Going to the surgeon tomorrow.

One pro though is that my deductible will be met. Sweeeeeet. Can insurance cover lipo?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

long time...

Looking at the last post, I was on a hot yoga kick. I still like it, but the month unlimited membership ran out, and I just don't feel like driving to Rivergate a few times a week to do it. PLUS it's 100 degrees outside right now, why would I want to go do exercise in a room just as hot? I also joined a gym in the building I work at and I am working out a lot more often now that it's convenient.

Anyways, not a whole lot has changed. Since then I've been to DC, lived through a 500 year flood (luckily my house was pretty ok), got 2 rooms in my house painted, replaced the entire roof (due to it not being able to handle all the rain and there being a horrible repair job before I bought this POS house), heard all about my best friend having a baby and hopefully soon meeting said baby, and ummmm oh yeah, I started a blog for my desserts, cake business, whatever we want to call it.

You can see that over here:

I guess I should also mention I'm now living in sin, since Herbie has moved know if you want to call it that. That's another reason why housework got done. I painted before he could turn that room into a man room. Somehow my 825 sq foot home is having to fit in all his crap too. It's a challenge, but we haven't attempted to kill each other yet.

Anyways, that's all really. Until next time...