Tuesday, June 5, 2012

New beginnings

As I type this, I am getting ready to go to a 2nd interview with a pretty big ad agency out of Atlanta in a couple of days.  This is a huge thing for me and could possibly mean that things are going to become REALLY crazy in my life.  As I like to say, Shit is about to get REAL.

Things that I will have to do:
pack, pack, pack
repair a few things here and there on my house
sell or rent (most likely rent since I prefer to not lose money)
and that's about it.... I think.

Of course I'll have all of the usual goodbyes to say.  There's a lot of things that I have to get rid of, which can be a chore for me sometimes since I don't like getting rid of lots.  Then there is the whole finding another house in Atlanta, which I think will be fun.  We can get A LOT of house for little money there, so I'm excited to get out of my matchbox of a house.

Not much else to say except that my life is nuts right now and I can't wait to see what the future holds.

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